So much of what we see today is people ‘exuding confidence’ to sell stuff/services. This is so hilariously western and now global.
Most are expressing narcissistic traits, which include seductive charm.
Some recently got some external boost/affirmation that gives them a sense of (often conquest/domination/superiority based and fleeting) confidence.
And some are just ‘naively confident’ due to youth, limited experience or lack of exposure. Or they are genetically less empathic, more black and white thinkers. In that, if they could integrate more complexity and nuance they might be more humble.
I’ve been telling members of our community for years, I am NOT confident.
And it is not necessary to be Confident.
A bootstrap lie of empire.
Given my upbringing, I would need to be psychopathic to be ‘confident.’
It would not make sense given the losses and instability.
I’m pretty timid, sensitive and insecure but my fire makes me speak up, stand up, even while literally shaking in my boots.
What I am and encourage others to be, is something like Brave.
But not conquering Brave, not idealist brave, not western ‘Brave’
Just a tender
tenacity, perseverance
A loving support of the spark within/ devotion to Life flowing through you
Like gentle water carving great canyons over millennia
Showing up for ourselves and each other moment by moment
Pulsing within our ecosystems
There is something similar to ‘confidence’ when we allow life, accept, surrender, are in tune
A clarity
A solidity
A peace
And it if it is true, it never conveys a sense of superiority (one up/down), perfection, control/seduction.
It does not need to conquer you.
You can FEEL the difference when you use all your senses
(adapted from my original FB post)
Brave is the new/real Confident