My journey thus far with my children has been the greatest gift in my life; a daily, heavenly communing with bright souls I love so much. I am very satisfied with my two children. Which is partly why we took
The Virtues of my Low Tech Pregnancy
This is my third pregnancy. The first time around I was in the ER, looking at my baby through a cervical ultrasound when 6 weeks pregnant… after I had panicked when feeling some cramping. That pregnancy began with the assumption
A Conscious Parent’s Manifesto
More and more, women and families are seeking to parent with greater awareness, to nurture their child’s authentic spirit, and allow their full potential to be expressed. Many of these same mothers and fathers are those who were wounded by
Hibernation…a call to restoration and slow peace
All around us, nature is slowing down, if not coming to a complete halt. Though it may be hard to remember here in sunny California, all over the world, animals are retreating to their sleepy dens to wait the winter
Awakening The Leader Within
Martin Luther King Jr. allowed his light to shine brightly and it continues to shine and inspire us to this day. Every year I am struck by the power in him, his conviction and commitment that led him to rally
Redefining Santa for a New Generation
You better watch out, you better not cry, You better not pout, I’m telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town! I am astounded at Christmas time, how much talk there is about being “good or bad,” “naughty or
Compassion’s path to Gratitude
This past holiday week, I heard many talking about how we know there is so much to be grateful for. Consciously we know it…and can even list our blessings easily. Yet for many this year, the spirit of gratitude; the
Feliz Dia De Los Muertos!
“Life is a dream, only in death are we awake.” -Aztec wisdom Every year, I look forward to Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), the Mexican version of All Saints Day. Growing up, I was scared away from
Conscious Living: Resting in Autumn’s wisdom
The end of summer brings with it a frenzy of activities whether school, work, sports or the upcoming holidays…and it is easy to become overwhelmed by our schedules. This compounded by the fact that with all of our modern technologies
Healing, Healing Water
Here is a story about how children (and we) can use water to intuitively heal or destress, that I wrote after watching one of my favorite muses…. “Healing healing water For my little daughter Healing Healing has begun Now the