The other day my good friend was surprised when I told her that sometimes I get, “I want to die” low. And her surprise, surprised me. I thought well, yes, I have experienced deep pain and learned to move through
What do we really need? Living and parenting beyond domination
The other day I was reading a book with my 7 yo that shared the latest theory about how dogs became ‘man’s best friend.’ It stated that perhaps, humans did not actually domesticate dogs by luring, dominating and using dogs,
Shifting Our Side
When I had my firstborn child, my heart was cracked open so wide with a love and connection to my child that both filled me with awe and FEAR. I, like many mothers, became afraid that something bad would happen.
The World Needs You to BE YOU
As the people lined up to speak, I reminded my son to imagine he could not hear their words and instead use his awareness to get a sense of what their stance would be. Over and over, when we are
The Healing Power of Holding
(I wrote this ages ago for the Inner bonding website, and just realized I never posted it here. It is still just as essential, so I share it with all of you in the hopes you will find your ways
Autumn Equinox- reflections and ideas for families
These past few weeks my daughter and son have been co-creating a nature ‘school’ with me that we have been sharing with some beautiful families. It has been so fun dreaming up crafts, activities, stories, games, and sharing songs. I’m
Living Free
For years now, we have known that my son’s middle school years would be a time to do something different. My husband with his PhD in Education and my experience as a school social worker and counselor, led us both
My dear friend Melinda who we recently held fundraisers for has been given days to weeks to live. While this is heartbreaking and feels tragic to me, it is balanced by our recent time together on a walk to a
Wide open arms of love
Just when we think we ‘have things (somewhat) figured out” children fortunately continue to teach us. Sabriel, my youngest, has given me many mothering moments where I have felt relaxed and experienced AND he has also challenged me immensely to
Reclaiming Wholeness- an essay on my personal journey
Recently I wrote this autobiographical essay on the power nature connection and conscious mothering have had in my life, and why I do what I do… I recall very few moments of my young life, except those steeped in