Trust your heart. Trust your gut. Revolutionary words I’ve said to my children for years. Not, “what I think” “what I say” but what they sense deep within is good and true for them. When I work with youth, I
Fire Update and Straight talk about Showing up
(Originally posted on FB on 3/2/21) Families are still displaced all over the county in hotels, RV’s, friend’s homes. Meanwhile, empty FEMA trailers sit on the edge of the county fairgrounds waiting to be placed. Two weeks ago, at the
decolonized homeschooling
(originally posted on on FB 1/7/21) Yesterday, the question was posed, How will teachers talk with the children about the day’s events? Having chosen years ago to homeschool/life learn for decolonization purposes, I shared: “Me: oh children, you know how
Reciprocity and Receiving
(originally written and posted on Facebook January 25th, 2021) The other day la familia that stayed with us, who now have their own apartment, invited us over for dinner. Though we’ve stayed in touch because we are familia now, we
Young social worker and now, just human
(These are FEMA trailers) I’ve been making home visits since I was 22 and had to flip through a giant book of maps (aka Thomas Guide) to figure out where I was going! I’ve always loved being with people in
Circle magic
Something beautiful that happens in my ongoing (now zoom) circles because we walk together in the ups and downs of life, is when someone gets triggered into the lies of insecurity, unlovabilty, feeling stuck/disempowered, we can help. We say, “No,
Mariposa activism
When I was 10 years old, I had been placed in one foster home but had requested to move to another where my sister was, nearby. Having coped by being a pleaser (and as a natural empath), I had been
Finding our Place
A few years ago, I was helping put on a protest against a notorious anti-immigrant political figure who came into town to support a local anti immigrant candidate. (not going to give him any free publicity here) As I stood
Trauma brain: Not only are there two Americas, only some of us know it
The other day a client said something I’ve heard repeatedly throughout the years and understand deeply, “I never worried like this, until (insert tragedy here/loss of loved one) and now I have so much more fear and anxiety.” A parent
Reconnecting to our innate resources as we step into the unknown
Every day we receive differing information as the pandemic unfolds. Fear and scarcity is driving a lot of the narratives and it is all too easy for people everywhere to move into their protective defenses of fear, control or escape