Slow and Soft When I ask people to tune into their inner child/soul/essence about what they need. The answers are often variations of go slow, be soft be gentle. “Tend to me, nourish me, listen to me” Slooow down. Never
reclaiming ourselves daily
No one is going to liberate us. This is daily self-reclamation. Always, always taking ourselves back from the grips of predatory conquest cultures. Waking up and asking ourselves, “How do we want to live?” “What feels good and loving to
Coming Home (retreats)
The pandemic and modern tech driven life in general, have normalized isolation, separation, disconnection. This is why I bring us together to feel feet held by earth Birdsong inspiring the warmth of open hearts HUGS the land and trees humming
Your story matters
Clearing out to create my ‘in town’ healing space, I came across my foster care case file from age 6-18. I cried, I wailed, remembering the journey from happy go lucky child to wistful depressed child (as one social worker
I’m not neurodivergent, you are!
I’m not neurodivergent, you are! I think to myself, while actúally celebrating my ‘neurodivergence” Like ‘ADHD’ All these labels that compare beautiful human diversity to a ‘norm’ created by and for conquest culture are so funny. We thrive if not
Celebrating family
(These are words that go with images of a photo shoot from years ago that I will upload later. Just want to preserve this sweetness from FB.) Wow, I just came home to these words and literally melted into Sean’s
on writing and facilitating…
(this could also be called, why I am a terrible marketer haha) I just realized something. I’m often told I should “write a book” and I have yet to do so. I used to think it was because I lacked
Brave is the new/real Confident
So much of what we see today is people ‘exuding confidence’ to sell stuff/services. This is so hilariously western and now global. Most are expressing narcissistic traits, which include seductive charm. Some recently got some external boost/affirmation that gives them
Mothers handle it!
More from social media, I’ll probably come back and elaborate or maybe not because I think I may have nailed it ;) —- I’m really so struck by how mothers who make the world go round, are not viewed as
A Mother knows what she knows
A mother knows what she knows. Supporting my daughter through dengue fever and its aftermath, I was routinely dismissed by medical personnel and even my partner. And given advice that would have been dangerous had I heeded it, in their