A parent’s self care is often a missing piece in parenting advice. We need to be as loving and respectful to ourselves as we are with our children. Therefore, when addressing whining and complaining, we must strike a balance between
Conscious Pregnancy; Surrendering to the Mystery
Six years ago on Saturday, my water had broken and I was eagerly awaiting contractions, ready to meet my baby girl. The way her birth unfolded was a surprise to me and completely out of my control. Compared to my
The Boss of Me!: (Re)Claiming Authentic Power
Today, I offered Maya a bite of my sandwich so she could try the sauce. She made a face that looked like ‘I don’t want to,’ but she didn’t say anything, so I said, “Oh you don’t have to.” She
Love within and with Japan; the power we have to help heal the world
As a mother, who knows the importance of being prepared, I completely understand why there is so much worry about the potential radiation effects from the crisis in Japan. However, what I am hearing alot of is FEAR…and some are
Redefining Santa for a New Generation
You better watch out, you better not cry, You better not pout, I’m telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town! I am astounded at Christmas time, how much talk there is about being “good or bad,” “naughty or
Compassion’s path to Gratitude
This past holiday week, I heard many talking about how we know there is so much to be grateful for. Consciously we know it…and can even list our blessings easily. Yet for many this year, the spirit of gratitude; the
Conscious Living: Resting in Autumn’s wisdom
The end of summer brings with it a frenzy of activities whether school, work, sports or the upcoming holidays…and it is easy to become overwhelmed by our schedules. This compounded by the fact that with all of our modern technologies
Embracing tears
This past week, I had separate conversations with two women who began to cry as they shared the difficult things in their lives. We were in public, and although they both felt relief at sharing, they intentionally put on their
When Life Feels Hard
Many of my friends and clients are experiencing similar situations where “life” just feels hard. Perhaps your relationship is strained, or you are struggling financially, or you feel unsupported and alone as a mother….and it feels like no amount of
Conscious Family Journeys: Victoria, Canada-we made it!
We made it all the way north and were about to enter our final northern destination: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada! We drive up to the ferry dock and I am stunned. In my mind, ‘ferry’ means smallish ferry taking one over