(These are words that go with images of a photo shoot from years ago that I will upload later. Just want to preserve this sweetness from FB.)
Wow, I just came home to these words and literally melted into Sean’s arms crying with gratitude. It has been a long road from foster youth/orphan, pulling the pieces of my life together, healing trauma/reclaiming self, navigating the inherent challenges of parenting with so little to feed a vision of a loving family. But it all made me a diligent student of reclaiming love and connection and what that could look like, and helping others do the same.
This precious family is the deepest blessing to my wounded little girl heart and a reminder that life and love and wholeness and joy are possible after everything falls apart.
We are a real family and nothing is perfect, we are navigating all the things. But we keep finding ways to stay grounded in our love for each other and the gifts of each moment together.
And for this, and Natalia’s ability to capture this in both photo and words, I am beyond grateful. Speechless and heart full with the honor of being Mama. xoxo
(And to all my friends and connecting within community, if you’d like to make a trip here to experience Natalia’s magic, mi casa es su casa)
Natalia Newman’s words:
Our lives as the offering on the altar of love. 

It’s impossible to pick 10 favorites to share from this moment in time. Every image captures something that seems to me incalculably precious, the entire meandering session infused with the fleeting ineffable beauty of this radiant human life, informed by the dance of countless generations. It all makes my heart ache in the best possible ways.
Imagine if, you will, a gentle summer wind, the sound of birds and laughter and fiddles. Everyone else has gone. It’s just us, here among the daisies, a million trillion baby frogs, dragonflies in all shades of royal, a swiftly tilting light, and this familial love, timeless and ancient and right here, right now, stretching the circle of her arms out wide, drawing us in to her heart with a sigh. There is no lack here. All are nourished.
It is sessions like these that I live for…
Celebrating family