(originally posted on on FB 1/7/21)

Yesterday, the question was posed, How will teachers talk with the children about the day’s events?
Having chosen years ago to homeschool/life learn for decolonization purposes, I shared:
“Me: oh children, you know how we ALWAYS talk about the truth that this country and capitalism are founded on genocide and slavery/colonization. Today descendants of that legacy (terrorists and law enforcement) are making this system of white supremacy plain.”
None of my children have questions about what is happening honestly.
Years ago, I stepped away from school curriculum that essentially normalizes broken treaties, makes murderers into heroes, whitewashes and normalizes psychopathy, and all too often presents these realities in ‘neutral terms’ which is extremely confusing and desensitizing to children.
Because we have been telling the truth about this country for a while now, because our ‘homeschooling’ entails engaged activism where our children have seen systemic racism/inequity/land and power grabs for themselves, there is little we have to explain sadly.
When my 9yo heard that the police essentially let the mob in, he said, “Oh, are they all white?” “That’s why”
We will not be giving this much attention at all, beyond the facts, because we cannot control this system that rages. We will do what we always do to support our sovereignty and regeneration; tend to ourselves, each other, to Mama Tierra, our plant and animal friends, Creator/Spirit. As always, we will keep our children close to their innate wisdom, real vitality and connection, so they can stand for/in this in the face of whatever comes their way.
As my youngest said after a bit, “Only when people stop invading and trashing the planet, can they call themselves…humans”
decolonized homeschooling

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