I’m not neurodivergent, you are!
I think to myself, while actúally celebrating my ‘neurodivergence”
Like ‘ADHD’
All these labels that compare beautiful human diversity to a ‘norm’ created by and for conquest culture are so funny.
We thrive if not put into boxes,
enclosed in four walls…
take a child ‘with adhd’ into the woods and their skills are assets
From an ancestral perspective it is actually divergent to live this conquest/modern way.
Of course, I understand how labels help us to name experience
I just want to remind us that if we are ‘divergent’ to a sick system and violent historic legacy, there is no problem
Just a glorious ability to follow your innate impulses toward the width and depth of life.
A beautiful ability to still be, live and breathe outside of confines.
A diversity that IS the way of all Life on earth and in the cosmos.
It is actually divergent, to forget this,
for life to be a grind
and connections to be so small and fragmented.
We are ALL so much more,
vast like the river,
trees, birds, animal siblings,
sun, moon, stars…
Let’s remember
(adapted from my original FB post)
and a related post….
Isn’t it interesting that so much of the ‘research’ informing us modern humans is based on rats in a cage.
How did ‘modern humans’ become so akin to rats in a cage?
Notice the cages that obscure our freedom, our wildness, our essence.
I’m not neurodivergent, you are!

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