Today, on this beautiful Spring equinox day, I now understand why daffodils are so meaningful. In California they were just one of the many flowers all around. Here in the north, they are a bright sun star popping out of our Mama Tierra reassuring me that this long winter is shifting into the vitality of Spring!

Wherever we are this is a day to embrace the energies of potentiality that come with Spring; the buds ready to burst, the seeds ready to sprout, the mycelium, sap and animals stirring…

All day, I walked around with an eye out for the spring greens; nature’s tonic emerging at our feet, packed with nutrients, to help us have our own vital boost and clear away the sluggishness of winter.

What greens are you noticing? nettles, mallows, dandelion, chickweed, purslane/verdolaga, lambs quarter, wild lettuce..all our plant siblings coming to our aid, returning to their rhythms, inviting us to remember ours.

Here in the North, I feel the desperation for the warm sun, for the season to change, for the bright yellow flower and I reflect on how without a grocery store, I would feel similarly about the arrival of these spring greens. So giddy and eager to meet them again, delight in their regenerative green and receive their nourishment.

It feels good to say hello and take them in;

the original communion wafers, gifts from Mama Tierra, manna from heaven.

I eye ‘miners lettuce’ and chickweed in friend’s gardens and asking them if I can forage, marveling at how casual so many are about this green gold dancing around their homes.

This evening, as we always do, our family took time by candlelight to reflect on what was cultivated or nourished by our long winters dreaming and what wants to burst forth from us with the emergent energy of spring. What is emerging? What wants to emerge?

We all talked about our new shared love of folk dancing, Sean and Sabi playing fiddle and Maya and I dancing, and how sweet it is we can do this together. And each of us shared other things we’re excited about.

We also reflected on what we need to be in balance, to bring in the way the day and night balance of Equinox feels steady and supportive. Like something you can count on.

We started the conversation and will keep coming back to it for the next few weeks.

Tomorrow, I’m going to pull out all of my seeds and start spring dreaming. I rented a little tract of land on which we have invited some familias (some still displaced) to plant a milpa with us, to bring us all together with Madre Tierra, Mama Maiz and our ancestors, remembering.

There are so many seeds/semillas I am honored to nourish right now with various liberation and grief tending projects. To each I will do my best to bring the same wholehearted commitment to life and potentiality that every humble seed I hold, helps me remember.

What does it look and feel like to bring the vitality and promise of a seed or the beautiful unfolding of a bloom into how we live? how we love?


Spring Equinox- What wants to emerge?

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