Every new year it becomes clear that we are acculturated to striving. It reminds me of a documentary series I love to watch with my children called Capitalism. In the first episode, it discusses how we have been taught to
When self care fails and what can help
There is so much discussion about self care on the internet that it can really confuse us. In my work over many years, I have often found myself clarifying for women that while the healthy eating, the favorite show, the
Autumn Equinox- reflections and ideas for families
These past few weeks my daughter and son have been co-creating a nature ‘school’ with me that we have been sharing with some beautiful families. It has been so fun dreaming up crafts, activities, stories, games, and sharing songs. I’m
Wide open arms of love
Just when we think we ‘have things (somewhat) figured out” children fortunately continue to teach us. Sabriel, my youngest, has given me many mothering moments where I have felt relaxed and experienced AND he has also challenged me immensely to
A Missing Key to harnessing The Power to Create Your Reality
“You have the power to create your own reality” is a phrase I have heard often…and often because I grew up with people who were oppressed by very real things in life, such as domestic violence, sexual abuse, POVERTY, mental
Understanding your Prickliness
This past Saturday, I was meandering silently through Oak Canyon, a local nature reserve, at the beginning of my Conscious Mothering retreat. As I walked, opening to what Spirit had to teach me, I found myself standing, unable to move,
Embracing the Seasons of Life
While we have yet to see many traditional signs of Autumn here yet, the heat waves are bringing the familiar delicious beach weather and the signs for pumpkin spiced ‘this’ and ‘that’ are everywhere…so of course I am thinking about seasons.
Real Love is Messy sometimes
It was messy…. Although the afternoon began well, with my daughter giving me the sweetest Valentine’s card ever…melting and opening my heart… a few very small conventional candies later (that I allowed from the bag of way too much sugar
The Bigger Picture: Keeping our Children Close
I am really enjoying my re-read of Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate’s book, Hold Onto Your Kids. In this book, they describe how children’s excessive attachment to peers sabotages their development. What our children really need, they say, is a
Embracing vulnerability; what conscious pregnancy is teaching me about opening our hearts
The thin veil on emotions that one experiences while pregnant is a divine gift. I have experienced this pregnancy as a time of great shedding; shedding old fears (what if, what if, what if), shedding old limiting beliefs (I can’t