It was messy…. Although the afternoon began well, with my daughter giving me the sweetest Valentine’s card ever…melting and opening my heart… a few very small conventional candies later (that I allowed from the bag of way too much sugar
Who is parenting your child?
Lately it has become even more apparent to me that parenting has less to do with what we say or do, but rather where we are coming from when we do. The other day my son Lucas who sprained his
Preserving the Authentic Essence
I originally posted this many moons ago at and thought I’d share it here… inspired by a conversation with a mama at the mini retreat this Saturday….this issue is timeless…. —- A few months ago, I attended an amazing
The Bigger Picture: Keeping our Children Close
I am really enjoying my re-read of Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate’s book, Hold Onto Your Kids. In this book, they describe how children’s excessive attachment to peers sabotages their development. What our children really need, they say, is a
A Missing Key to Building Children’s Self-Esteem
A client asks, “How can I help my child have good self esteem, when I don’t?” The fact that she can recognize that this is a problem is the first step! So often, parents, particularly those that have personal histories
Embracing vulnerability; what conscious pregnancy is teaching me about opening our hearts
The thin veil on emotions that one experiences while pregnant is a divine gift. I have experienced this pregnancy as a time of great shedding; shedding old fears (what if, what if, what if), shedding old limiting beliefs (I can’t
The Boss of Me!: (Re)Claiming Authentic Power
Today, I offered Maya a bite of my sandwich so she could try the sauce. She made a face that looked like ‘I don’t want to,’ but she didn’t say anything, so I said, “Oh you don’t have to.” She
Celebrating Easter’s Renewal with the wisdom of our Children
Every year, on Easter morning we take our children to Oak Canyon Nature Reserve; the woodsy piece of preserved land that we were married in. As we walk the dirt and oak leaf covered trail, we talk about the new
A Conscious Parent’s Manifesto
More and more, women and families are seeking to parent with greater awareness, to nurture their child’s authentic spirit, and allow their full potential to be expressed. Many of these same mothers and fathers are those who were wounded by
Compassion’s path to Gratitude
This past holiday week, I heard many talking about how we know there is so much to be grateful for. Consciously we know it…and can even list our blessings easily. Yet for many this year, the spirit of gratitude; the