Today, on this beautiful Spring equinox day, I now understand why daffodils are so meaningful. In California they were just one of the many flowers all around. Here in the north, they are a bright sun star popping out of
Autumn Equinox- reflections and ideas for families
These past few weeks my daughter and son have been co-creating a nature ‘school’ with me that we have been sharing with some beautiful families. It has been so fun dreaming up crafts, activities, stories, games, and sharing songs. I’m
Living Free
For years now, we have known that my son’s middle school years would be a time to do something different. My husband with his PhD in Education and my experience as a school social worker and counselor, led us both
Wide open arms of love
Just when we think we ‘have things (somewhat) figured out” children fortunately continue to teach us. Sabriel, my youngest, has given me many mothering moments where I have felt relaxed and experienced AND he has also challenged me immensely to
Healing the Hurts of Our Past
Because we are in Maui, three hours behind on the mainland, we indulged my daughter’s request to ‘stay up until the time I was born!” Nine years ago, at 12:15am, our little Maya burst her into watery tub and my
Embracing the Seasons of Life
While we have yet to see many traditional signs of Autumn here yet, the heat waves are bringing the familiar delicious beach weather and the signs for pumpkin spiced ‘this’ and ‘that’ are everywhere…so of course I am thinking about seasons.
Real Love is Messy sometimes
It was messy…. Although the afternoon began well, with my daughter giving me the sweetest Valentine’s card ever…melting and opening my heart… a few very small conventional candies later (that I allowed from the bag of way too much sugar
Who is parenting your child?
Lately it has become even more apparent to me that parenting has less to do with what we say or do, but rather where we are coming from when we do. The other day my son Lucas who sprained his
Preserving the Authentic Essence
I originally posted this many moons ago at and thought I’d share it here… inspired by a conversation with a mama at the mini retreat this Saturday….this issue is timeless…. —- A few months ago, I attended an amazing
Conscious Parenting: Preserving a Natural Pace
Our family is blessed to have vacationed in Maui many times over the years. Every time we arrive and I feel the warm winds blow, I take a deep breath and feel my body melt with relief: here is a