TRE®: Tension and Trauma Release Exercises

Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (or TRE®) is a simple yet innovative series of exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma. Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE® safely activates a natural reflex mechanism of shaking or vibrating that releases muscular tension, calming down the nervous system. When this muscular shaking/vibrating mechanism is activated in a safe and controlled environment, the body is encouraged to return back to a state of balance.

I obtained extensive training to become certified to teach TRE® because, although I have been practicing and teaching many spiritual psychology and healing processes for many years, I found I needed a physiological approach to help clients (and myself) release the stuck patterns of stress and trauma.  Recent research shows that trauma is stored in the body, activated by our survival response of fight, flight, freeze.  Therefore, to return to a state of calm and clarity, we must help the body to release the stress, tension, and trauma and to reset the nervous system.

TRE® has been for me and many, that missing piece. And it is extremely accessible! Once learned with a few supervised sessions, people can usually use it as a regular self healing tool on their own, integrating it easily into their regular self care routine. It is also accessible because as it is body-based, it requires no recollection or re-experiencing of stress and traumatic events of the past.

Like all the practices I teach, it is essential to me that you can take your healing into your hands with gentle tools to use in your every day life. TRE® is one of the most powerful and effective such tools I have come across in many years. When our nervous system is soothed and reset, we become more expansive, connected, and open to life!

Join me to learn the exercises, develop a regular practice, and deepen your understanding of the innate healing process within your body. Know the invaluable experience of establishing a connected relationship with your body and its divine design. For much more information on this leading edge approach, I recommend you peruse: and watch YouTube videos of Dr. David Berceli.

 This by Dr. David Berceli sums up so well why I love sharing this essential remembering process.
"The body's ability to self-evoke tremors during stressful or frightening events is genetically encoded in every mammalian and human organism. The purpose of this organic tremoring process is to down-regulate the nervous system and release the chronic myofascial tension patterns associated with the stressor.
This process of restoring the organism to an internally relaxed and peaceful state produces the sensation of survival and growth. The result of the completion of this process is a deeper regard, gratitude, and humility of simply being alive and appreciating our life to its fullest degree. "

Documented benefits of TRE® Include:

  • Release of chronic tension and emotional or physical trauma
  • Increased energy and stamina
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Relief from body aches, including back pain, headaches, and TMJ
  • Enhanced ability to stay focused and connected
  • Improved sleep
  • Improved mood
  • Greater mobility

How Can I Learn TRE®?

Connecting Within 3-Day Retreat:

Learn TRE® as a part of this three-day intensive. Click HERE for info on upcoming dates and to sign up

Individual Sessions:

Private sessions are best suited for individuals with physical or mobility challenges, a history of severe trauma, or who prefer a one-on-one experience. Initial sessions are 1 hour 15 minutes.

Sessions are 50 minutes long and are held by phone or Zoom.

All payments received are considered charitable donations to Sylvia’s spiritual non-profit, the Naturally Conscious Congregation of the Association for the Integration of the Whole Person (NCC of AIWP).

I look forward to connecting with you!

How to Prepare

Be sure to wear comfortable clothing and have space to exercise. Bring a blanket, pillow, and/or yoga mat for comfort and have water available.