Helping our precious girls step into their maidenhood rooted in their inner knowing, sisterhood and community. We will gather in circle and explore various topics, such as…
Changing bodies, Changing earth
Shifting and varied Emotions
Connecting with the rhythms of the moon
Our reproductive system, potency and fertility
The miracle of our sacred womb
Our beautiful bodies in their fullness and diversity
Ancestral menarche storytelling and understanding
Sacred blood, earth medicine
Growing interests, what wants to blossom from our hearts, mind and body?
In later circles….
Menstruation/Moonflow tending
Menstruation as ceremony/spiritual rhythm
Shifting relationships with parents and self
Exploring our sensuality (embracing the senses)
Understanding sexuality (age appropriate as youth and interest grow)
All circles will begin with a natural craft and nourishing snack. (Mothers will be requested to attend one circle session, bringing a snack and sharing stories from their own maidenhood)
Each topic will lead into sharing and question time allowing girls to unfold and integrate as they are ready.
We will flow with the needs and direction that arises in our moments together.
Time: Circles will last 1.5 hours.
When: 7 weeks (6 weeks with a closing ceremony at the 7th gathering)
Cost: $275-300 suggested donation for 7 weeks
Including a one hour parent introductory session in person
Optional (additional donation):
Mothers and daughters can come together for an overnight retreat in shared celebration and ceremony
Mothers can come together for sharing/ceremony to process their own menstruation journey to be more present for their daughters’ journey
Ongoing monthly circle for girls upon completion of series